
Thursday, February 17, 2011

My first time on a netbook

I woke up in the morning saying that its time to get my netbook. I was also wondering what class I was in as well. So I got changed into my school uniform for the first time in ages and did all the stuff I usually do in the morning like brush my teeth and all that. For my first time in a long time I was ready to go to school and I was really excited about netbooks.

As soon as I got into my class which was room 20 I wondered to myself"Where is the netbo......". I had to hold that thought because the netbooks arrived. I could not wait to turn it on. So I turned it on straight away and there we go heres my netbook. We had something you call 'explore time' which meant that we could do anything on our netbooks. I decided to play games and I did not stop playing them.

The game I played was Aisle Riot Solitare which was cool even though I did not complete the game. It was fun. At the end of the day when we had to put it away I knews we would still play on it tomorrow. I love this new machine.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Matty.....
    'NICE!!!' You had anxious moments waiting for the GREAT time. Our Netbooks. Just like you I loved exploration time!!! Because I now have a lot of games!!!! My best is the one and only Assult Cube!!!! Have another wonderful year on your netbook and don't get too carried away!!!!!

    From Kayde!!


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